Toddler Time
Keep an eye out for upcoming session dates
Come join us and have some fun while we make crafts, do messy play and use our imaginations. This class will run for 8-week sessions, and the cost for the session is $20 for members and $30 for non-members. Call the center or email to sign up or for more information.
S.T.E.M programming
Keep an eye out for our next STEM program date.
We are excited to partner with the Bloomsburg Children's Museum to offer STEM programming to students ages 5-14. This program will be free of cost and cover a variety of STEM topics. Our next one will be on Wednesday, October 11th.
Cheer Team
6 - 8 pm
Friday 6-7 pm
Practice times depend on level
Our cheer team, Columbia County Xplosion, picks back up in November! Watch for more details or email Danielle with any questions (
$75 per month
Elementary Basketball
Grades 1-3
Saturdays 8:30-9:30
Grades 4-6
Saturdays 9:30-11
Elementary Basketball is held after the New Year, check back for more information.
Members $25 Non-Members $35
Stop by the front desk to register. If you have any questions or concerns email